For energy savings and convenience, consider the following guidelines:
1) Turn off the monitor if you aren't going to use your PC for more than 20 minutes.
2) Turn off both the CPU and monitor if you're not going to use your PC for more than 2 hours.
3) Make sure your monitors, printers, and other accessories are on a power strip/surge protector. When this equipment is not in use for extended periods, turn off the switch on the power strip to prevent them from drawing power even when shut off. If you don't use a power strip, unplug extra equipment when it's not in use.
4) PCs also produce heat, so turning them off reduces building cooling loads.
5) screen savers are not energy savers. Using a screen saver may in fact use more energy than not using one, and the power-down feature may not work if you have a screen saver activated. In fact, modern LCD color monitors do not need screen savers at all.
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